Latest News Water Saving Tips

Save water in 2008

The Consumer Council for Water is calling for customers to create a splash in 2008 by making a positive impact on the planet and saving money, with a New Year’s resolution to save water.

Forget expensive gym memberships, long hours on the treadmill and the 10 pounds that just won’t budge. Those still searching for an easy resolution one can actually accomplish need look no further. Make a real impact, and possibly save some cash with these easy water saving tips.

The Consumer Council for Water is calling for customers to create a splash in 2008 by making a positive impact on the planet and saving money, with a New Year’s resolution to save water.

Forget expensive gym memberships, long hours on the treadmill and the 10 pounds that just won’t budge. Those still searching for an easy resolution one can actually accomplish need look no further. Make a real impact, and possibly save some cash with these easy water saving tips.

While we use more water per person than the rest of Europe, an average of 130-160 litres per day, London is drier than Istanbul, and the south east of England has less water available per person than the Sudan or Syria.

Climate change is affecting weather patterns which have in turn affected water availability here in Britain, with the worst drought in 100 years in the south east of England in 2006 followed by one of the wettest summers on record in 2007.

Now is the time to take a serious look at how water is being used in the home, and while a New Year’s resolution to go greener may sound daunting, small, simple changes can make a tremendous impact over time.

By following these easy steps a family of four could save about 170,000 litres of water each year. For customers on a meter this amounts to around £250 in savings on water bills annually. It’s a resolution worth sticking to.

Start by giving the taps around the house a check up. Replacing worn washers can quickly fix any leaking taps, which waste on average 25 litres of water per day.

Putting a brick or other water saving device in the toilet’s cistern can save up to two litres of water with every flush. As the average person visits the toilet eight times a day, a family of four can save 23,000 litres of water each year.

Looking forward to the summer, a £40 investment in a water butt and watering can could be well worth the cost. Instead of watering the garden with a hosepipe for two hours each week use the collected rain water and target the plants that need it most. It could save up to 30,000 litres or £80 annually.

Make sure each time the garden is watered it has an opportunity to soak up the full benefits. Watering the garden in the cool of the early morning or evening can reduce the amount of water lost to evaporation.

Try washing fruit, vegetables and even dishes in a bowl instead of leaving the tap running, and then use the left over water on household plants.

Instead of using a hosepipe to wash the family cars, fill a couple of buckets (preferably from the newly acquired water butt). Most cars can be washed and rinsed using only three or four buckets instead of a running hosepipe. Over the year it could save as much as 20,000 litres or £50.

Other simple steps include taking a five minute shower instead of a bath, saving 45 litres every day, and turning off the tap while cleaning teeth can save as much as five litres of water with each brushing.

Between 30 – 40 % of a household’s energy bill is spent on heating water for baths, showers and washing clothes or dishes. By cutting water usage through these easy steps families should see a drop in their energy bill as well, not to mention reduces their environmental impact.

A full list of water saving tips is available at

One reply on “Save water in 2008”

Having recently returned from S. Africa, where I spent many years. Have a lot of experience in water saving. Agree with all the tips mentioned, Have difficulty in justifying rain water butts (cost versus savings) But very satisfying if you do. One other good tip is to capture your waste water from sink, basin and bath, and lead out onto selected garden plants.

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